Friday, May 04, 2007

Awesome Show Alert: The Whitest Kids U'Know

There are a lot of awesome shows on TV. Some are really awesome (The Office, How I Met Your Mother), some are kind of awesome (30 Rock, Battlestar Galactica) and some are not awesome at all (Nip/Tuck, I Love New York).

Once in a while, I discover a show that is pretty awesome. A new one I've found is The Whitest Kids U'Know, which is shown at odd hours on Fuse (channel 143 in Syracuse), which is Canada's version of MTV. Whitest Kids is a sketch comedy show that is a mix between Mr. Show with Bob and David and The Kids in the Hall, with the high-concept humor of the former and the loose, free-wheeling feel of the latter. I highly recommend setting the ol' DVR.

For some clips, go to the College Humor website tagged "WKUK". You can also go to their official site where they have tons of archived clips. Okay, so maybe you might not like it, but I just watched two episodes and laughed my ass off. Give it a shot, what have you got to lose for chrissakes?

You can see the "Hitler Rap" sketch right here.


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